Start Your Professional Journey with India’s best online video lectures by CA Prasanna Kumar!
CA Prasanna Kumar, fondly known as P.K. Sir by his beloved students, is a dynamic and passionate Chartered Accountant. He is not only an experienced practitioner but also a dedicated author and teacher. P.K. Sir holds a degree in Commerce and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). With over 12 years of teaching experience, he has been a guiding force in fields such as Cost Management, Financial Management, Financial Reporting, Portfolio Analysis, International Finance, Derivatives, and more. He has taught at the inter and final levels for CA, CS, and CMA aspirants, as well as at business schools for MBA students.
- To date, he has taught more than 20,000 students across the country, leaving a lasting impact on each one. His deep passion for quality education is evident in everything he does.
- P.K. Sir is also well known for his Power Notes — a concept he developed from his own experience during his UPSC preparation and interview process.
- With expertise in finance, the stock market, costing, and IFRS, P.K. Sir continues to inspire and educate future professionals.

CA Prasanna Kumar!
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