Shipping Policy

  • Estimated Delivery TimeDelivery times are influenced by product availability, geographic location of the product in inventory, your shipping destination, and the courier partner’s time-to-deliver in your location. Please check your accurate delivery timelines by entering your default pin code at the time of ordering.

    Note: Some courier partners do not work on Sundays, and this is factored into the delivery dates.

    General Delivery Timelines:

    Shipping Destination Days to Deliver
    Metro 7-10 Days
    Non-Metro 10-15 Days
  • Delivery CostDelivery charge varies with the product you are purchasing. We incur relatively higher shipping costs on low-value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products.
  • What Happens if I am Out When Delivery is Attempted?Your order will be delivered to the delivery address you have provided. If you weren’t available when the courier partner knocked at your door, two additional delivery attempts will follow on successive days.
  • Delivery TimingIn general, our courier partner will try to deliver between 9:00 and 18:00. It can be challenging to stay at home during these hours, especially on working days. If you cannot be there at a certain hour, try to see if someone else can be at the delivery address to accept the parcel on your behalf.
  • How Will I Be Notified About My Order?If you have successfully placed an order with us, we will notify you at different stages of your order’s journey. You will receive an email or SMS once your order has been placed successfully. We’ll notify you when the seller ships the item(s) to you, along with the tracking number(s) for your shipment(s). You can track your orders from the “Track Order” section on our website. You will also be informed when your package is on its way to be delivered to your specified address.
  • Packaging for Door DeliveryWe ensure the highest standards of packaging and deliver all our products in highly standardized Carton Boxes to avoid any damage during handling.
  • What to Do if My Package Shows as Delivered but I Can’t Find It?If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered, but you can’t find it:
    • Check if someone else accepted the delivery.
    • Wait for a few minutes and check at your doorstep or office reception for the arrival of our delivery associates.
    • Wait until the end of the day, as packages may show as delivered while still in transit.